A.R.K. (Association to Rescue Kritters) is a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center located at 3878 S. Maple Valley Road, Saint Helen, MI 48656, between Houghton Lake and St. Helen. Our purpose is to rescue, rehabilitate and return to the wild injured and orphaned wildlife
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Birds of Prey Program
All the birds of prey used in our education program have sustained injuries that make them un-releasable. They have been carefully trained as education birds, to teach kids and adults alike about their unique abilities and importance in the wild. It is our privilege to both work with these beautiful and amazing birds as well as teach others about them!
Our presentations are approximately one hour long and are narrated by our education director, Kathy Wheeler. Other Birds Of Prey team members assist her with the birds and take them around the room so that everybody gets a chance to see them! The presentations are interactive --- questions are strongly encouraged!
Our programs contain anywhere from one to four education birds including; owls, a kestral, a turkey vulture and hawks.
The fee ranges vary depending upon number of education birds requested, length of program and travel distance.
Has your class or group been studying a specific feature of raptors such as vision, hunting skills or habitat? Let us know! We are happy to customize our program to meet your needs by focusing our presentation on your particular area of interest.
Features of our Programs
Kids can handle and compare the differences in hawk, owl and turkey vulture wing mounts!
Kids can handle and compare various foot mounts (age appropriate groups only)
Our representations are interactive!
See a real hawk and owl pellet and identify the contents!
Questions are encouraged and appreciated!
As always, safety is our primary concern - our birds are handled by Birds of Prey team members only
Please call us at 989-389-3305 to schedule your program today!